Monday, January 16, 2006

new experiences

new experiences i've had over the last month:

finishing an impossible puzzle with justin and amy over break
driving down the freeway while amy is puking out the window!
shopping with marlise and her asian friend (who is impossible to find!) for about 4 hours
being on a broomball league
being one of the best players on a broomball league
being one of the best players on a GOOD broomball league
friends (at st olaf, anyway lol)
having fun (at stolaf)
NOT working all friday night
upping my high score on snake to about 3500 (i know, i'm amazing)
going to church (at st olaf)
being certain that God will keep His promises and remain faithful!

thank you for your prayers! God is so faithful and He is definitely listening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yah know, that was a really cool post, and I'm really gonna have to copy something like that! If that's alright with you! =) I'm gald you've had a ton of new experiences, with me being involved in some of those.. .especially the car one.. heh.. Anywho, I love you a lot! Your awesome, can't wait to see you again!