Monday, December 05, 2005


hmm... where do i start? i haven't written on here for a long time and now a lot of the stuff i would have written about are kind of outdated...

well thanksgiving was fun lol... yes, i said some of this would be outdated... but it was probably the highlight of my month. i spent a LOT of time with amy and my dearest marlise-- and i also got a chance to see amanda norgren. wednesday we went bowling, thursday was thanksgiving and i just spent a lot of time with my family, friday we all went to adam's... i think... i can't even remember what we did before that anymore! i think we were at applebees for a while, but before that? i'm clueless. but anyway, that night was probably the most fun of the entire weekend. i think it was mostly because all of us were so exhausted we were just... drunk. yeah, we really don't need alcohol to be drunk and have fun. marlise and i got married-- jake was the friar, adam was my father lol, and amy was the candy girl (because we couldn't find any flowers for her to throw lol). it was amazing. we took a ton of pictures-- that was actually the main source of entertainment-- and jake, marlise and i did leg exercises for a while and... it was amazingly fun. you just had to be there i guess. saturday i hung out with amanda and then we all went to nick's and... it was good. i love my friends!

i had to go back to school earlier than everyone else, tho, because i had rehearsals for my school's christmas fest. i had no idea this week would be as crazy as it was. i guess that's a huge reason why a lot of people don't join choir. anyway, i sang about 20-30 hours this week i'm going to say. my voice was just about gone on sunday... our last performance... and presently i am about as exhausted as i have ever been. but it was sooo fun. SUCH an experience. i'll definitely never forget it-- and we got to be on national public radio all over the country.

friday was a very bad night for me... i don't know what i was expecting, but i didn't have to work because we had a performance, and when we came back of course everyone was completely wasted and/or got completely wasted. and sometimes i'm okay with it-- but that night i just didn't want to be around any of them. it just wasn't fun to be the only one not drinking. so i went to my room and threw things lol. and then adam (the JC downstairs) came and knocked on my door and asked me to come watch a movie in his room... he was kind of trying to discourage the choir people from drinking because of our concert the next day. so a bunch of us watched spiderman 2. well at first it was devin, charlie, adam, dave and me... and then it ended up being just dave, merry (another JC), adam and me. we all ordered pizza afterwards and stayed up talking till 3 in the morning. and adam and i kind of have a lot in common... like we're both christians, both music majors, both passionate about worship... so it was actually really fun to just talk about things.

saturday, my family came and watched me sing... which was really nice :D... and i paid $20 to eat norwegian food with them (which they served at the caf the next day for free... i don't want to talk about it). afterwards, sarah miller had a "clean" christmas party (which meant no one was drunk) and it was great. it made me happy. we just ate christmas cookies and played games-- cranium and then catchphrase. after we played the regular version for a while, we decided it would be fun to try to relate all the words to sex. so... i don't remember anyone else's lol... but a couple of mine were "if you have sex with him, he tells you afterwards "you were grrrrrrrreat!" (tony the tiger) and "this is a guy that rides a certain animal that hasn't had a blow job" (headless horseman). it was sooo funny and it entertained us for a really long time. afterwards, we watched elf in joe's room.

nothing too exciting happened sunday, so it isn't really worth mentioning, and this is way too long so no one is actually going to read this anyway lol. but yay christmas and yay having a good weekend at st olaf!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Gummy Bears

You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.

hehe i have too much fun with these things.